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Donate Blood this Month to help Save Lives

January is an important month for many reasons, but Blood Donations are typically in high demand in the winter. There are numerous reasons blood donations go down in the winter; holidays, illnesses, busy schedules, and weather. Weather has stopped many planned blood drives in areas that see severe winter storms. Illnesses like the flu prevent more people from donating during January. It’s important to try to donate if you can in your area because someone in this country needs blood every two seconds. Blood transfusions save 4.5 million American lives each year.

According to corporate wellness magazine, 1 out of 10 people who enter a hospital need blood. Someone in the U.S. needs blood every two seconds. Blood transfusions save 4.5 million American lives each year. If you have type O and type B blood, your blood is at high demand, as hospitals typically run short on these types during the winter.

Surgeries and diseases that need blood transfusions are: Cancer treatments, transplants, open heart surgery, anemia and sickle cell disease. Donating blood also allows for your blood to be researched, this has led to many medical achievements to save lives. It is important this month and every month to donate blood if and when you can. You can find a place to donate blood here.

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