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Chicken, Cheese, Juice and more were given out at this Cure Hunger Now Food Outreach in Banning!

Our Banning Food Outreaches are every fourth Saturday of the month at Repplier Park. Over 900 people were fed with our bags—which feed up to 6 people at a time. Each bag is hand packed by volunteers and given out by our volunteers. Inside the bags this month included, raisins, rice, beans, cheese, chicken, juice and more!

Many grateful people wait in line for our bags, and we are more than happy to help the people of our communities. With the line stretching far, many people were in good patient spirits, and we appreciate the kind heartedness of our communities. Sometimes arriving early you will get special food items, so we always suggest lining up early, Cure Hunger Now Food Outreaches are while supplies last only and first come first serve.

Cure Hunger Now provides that extra support that some families need to get by, getting closer to our mission. When children live in food insecure households it can lead to other health issues, and here at the Kids Cures Foundation we try to eradicate hunger. The next banning outreach is April 22 10-1p while supplies last, at Repplier Park.

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