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Asthma and Allergies Awareness Month

This month we’re also going to cover Asthma and Allergies. Most of us have probably heard of an allergy or asthma attack, but lets go more in depth into both of these topics, which we’ll call “ The Two A’s”. Asthma and allergies are either hereditary, can come with age, or the environment. The environment plays a role in the two A’s, be it during seasons with pollen and dander from flowers and trees, fresh cut grass, fires and smoke, dust, and even pets and some cooking smells!

The medically correct definition of Asthma is, a respiratory condition marked by spasms( or twitches) in the bronchi of the lungs, making it hard to breathe. Usually stemming from an allergic reaction, other forms of lung sensitivity, or physical activity (running, playing, etc). Asthma is a chronic lung disease, meaning you live with it daily. There is no cure for Asthma, but there are ways to manage it so you can live a normal everyday life. Whether you know or not, Asthma can be deadly, without an Asthma attack or not! During an Asthma attack, the muscles and lining of your airway tighten and making it hard to breathe or causing you to not breathe at all! This can usually be treated with the patients Medication Inhaler, an IV injection of Prednisone, and helping them calm down. Although there are ways to help an Asthma attack, they can be fatal. Usually anyone who dies from an Asthma attack, has severe Asthma, about 85% of people who do die from an attack develop symptoms as early as 12 hours or week before death.

Allergies occur when someones immune system reacts to substances in the environment that don’t bother most people. The substances are called allergens. Allergens can be found in pets, insects, foods, mold, pollen, bites, and some medications. Allergies can be hereditary or come from things in the environment. Some symptoms of allergies are swollen eyes, a runny nose, coughing, congestion, throat clearing etc. Sometimes food and medication can cause someone to have an allergic reaction, which is when your immune system comes in contact with an allergen. There are different symptoms of an allergic reaction from mild to severe, such as hives, itching, a scratchy or swollen throat, abdominal cramping, tightness or pain in the chest, vertigo, anxiety, difficulty breathing, unconsciousness, and more. Any kind of allergic reaction can be treated with medication, or medical help.

There are different ways to treat asthma and allergies. Medication is the most common treatment from the Two A’s, Benadryl, and an Albuterol inhaler are the main two. Your treatment and medication will vary with the severeness of your condition. Your doctor will prescribe you with medication or treatments that will help control your symptoms. Although Asthma and Allergies don’t seem that severe, they can be, don’t be afraid to ask your doctor to check for any symptoms of either.

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