Our Cure Hunger Now Community Food Outreach fed over 460 people this past weekend at Repplier Park. We are so thankful for our volunteers and volunteers from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and Sandals Church came together to bless families with food. At this outreach we gave gave out various frozen meats, bread, fresh vegetables, canned goods, boxed milk, beans, and more.

Sandals Church held a food drive and stopped by to deliver the items donated by members of their church. Great thanksgiving items were given out, stuffing, canned corn, mashed potatoes, corn bread and more Thanksgiving essentials. Gift Cards were also given out to random families in line. These gift cards can be used to purchase a turkey this Thanksgiving. We are excited to have our new friends at Sandals Church on board, together we can do so much. Sandals Church is located in Banning, CA.
Special shout out to Super Subs for their donation at this past Cure Hunger Now Community Food Outreach. Thank you for coming out to also help volunteer!

Don't miss the Holiday dates for the next outreaches:
*All dates subject to change without notice! *Outreaches are while supplies last only! *Weather permitting!
Banning: December 18 (Due to Holidays)
Repplier Park, Banning CA 9AM - While supplies Last Only!
December 11
1310 Oak Valley Parkway Beaumont, CA 92223 9AM!
Next Door to the Albert A. Chatigny Senior Community Center. While supplies last Only!
See more photos here:
Courage, Strength, Hope