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Vegetable Oil, Meat, Bread and More Given Out to Children and Families

Our Cure Hunger Now Banning Food Outreach is every last Saturday of the month. We recently moved locations for the Banning outreach from Repplier Park to our onsite location. The new location is 2041 W Nicolet St. Banning, CA 92220. It is a drive up only option for now, we plan to add a walk up line in the coming months!

At this latest Banning food outreach volunteers from Kids Cures, and Hub City Church of Beaumont came together again. We had donuts, and listened to great tunes while packing and handing out food. If you would like to join in on the fun you can sign up to volunteer here.

Families received meat, bread, various goodies, Mac and cheese, tuna, oatmeal, peanut butter, green beans, pinto beans, refried beans and more! Each box is able to provide multiple meals for families.

Dont miss the next outreaches for Beaumont and Banning, bookmark our events page!

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