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Children receive great toys in the Hospital through our Comfort Build-a-Bag Program

From here nurses will take toys to each child, and any toys they can play wtogether can wind up in the toy room for everyone’s enjoyment! On this most recent visit we delivered some great toys and games. Toys ranged from, board games, cars, stuffed animals, play-doh, coloring books, art coloring kits and more.

Our Comfort Build-a-Bag program is designed to bring custom bags full of items to children in the hospital. Characters like Spider-Man, Elsa, Belle and more tag along to go room to room to visit each child and deliver each bag. Since covid-19 we have not been able to go room to room, but hope to start back up as soon as possible. However, recently we have been allowed to bring various toys into the lobby and meet with the pediatric nurses at Kaiser.

From here nurses will take toys to each child, and any toys they can play with together can wind up in the toy room for everyone’s enjoyment! On this most recent visit we delivered some great toys and games. Toys ranged from, board games, cars, stuffed animals, play-doh, coloring books, art coloring kits and more.

We cannot wait to get back into hospital with characters delivering Comfort Build-a-Bag’s from room to room. Stay tuned for any updates on when Spider-Man, Belle, Elsa, Pocahontas, and more make their grand return.

Once we can safely return to the hospital, volunteer opportunities will open up, and we cannot wait for you to experience the heart of our Foundation.

Courage, Strength, Hope

Kids Cures Foundation

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