On Saturday, September 24 2022 Suavesitos Car Club held a very special Car Show to raise funds for Childhood Cancer. This event was held at Noble Creek Park in Beaumont, the perfect location for a Car Show with it’s spacious lawn, plenty of parking, and shaded areas. Classic cars from past decades came out to show out for Childhood Cancer. Awards were given out for the best cars on display based on the decade they’re from. There were tons of things to do for kids at this car show including, jumpers and other activities. Various vendors and food items were available for purchase.
At this event we honored Levi Ward, a childhood cancer survivor. Levi is a brave young man that fought hard and beat cancer. We honor his courage, strength and hope.
“Cancer is the #1 cause of death by disease in children in this country.”
Go Gold 365 is all about raising awareness for childhood cancer. Together we can help spread awareness all year long. This car show is the first of many to help bring awareness and raise funds. Thank you to all of our sponsors, without you guys this wouldn’t have been possible. Very Special thank you to our event coordinator Mark Orona, you made this all happen, Thank You. We look forward to next years Go Gold 365 Car Show!
