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Sandwiches, canned goods, and so much more given to families at the latest Food Outreach

On August 27, we held our monthly Cure Hunger Now Community Food Outreach for Banning and surrounding areas. Each Banning outreach is held at Repplier Park on the last Saturday of each month from 9-11 am while supplies last only (except Nov & Dec due to the Holidays). This month families went home with tons of good food to make many meals! Items included, meat, ready to eat sandwiches, snacks, canned goods, rice, beans, mac and cheese, plums, peanuts, oatmeal and more! Each Cure Hunger Now USDA box is packed by volunteers on site and delivered to their vehicles, we also gave out more food in bags once the boxes were filled. Volunteers from Kids Cures Foundation, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and the city of Banning helped during this outreach.

Families also received hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes from donors to help during COVID and the upcoming Flu Season. They also helped purchase sandwiches, cambells soup, Prego and more for families. At the Banning outreach you never know what surprises you will get! Don’t miss the next food outreach in banning on September, 24 2022.

More Photos Below!


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