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Kids and Families have some Summer Fun at Noble Creek Park in Beaumont!

On August 5th at Noble Creek Park we were invited to be a part of the music festival sponsored by Morongo Indian Reservation. Which included live music, a car show, BBQ food contest, eating contests and more. Our booth was located in the kid zone where there were jumpers, a water slide and a dunk tank. The water slide cost $6 for the day and $3 per slide. With money going directly to our foundation to help with programs like Comfort Build-a-Bag's, Cures Club and more.

Kids had a really great time as they participated in Watermelon eating contests, cherry pie eating contests and even Pineapple on a string contests! Everyone was a winner in these contests, but top winners received a trophy and a bicycle donated by the Bike Ministry. Oh, and we cannot forget about the donut eating contest, where kids had to eat a donut hanging off a string without it falling. We even had a Hula Hoop contest that also a blast, amazing time for everyone!

Our volunteers came out to help work our booth and together we had a blast beating the heat. Selling water bottles for $1.00, we helped Cure Mother Earth by then recycling the water bottles. The water slide was a huge help to keep kids cool from the summer sun.

With bands playing near by, and a Dj next to our booth we had a rockin good time. There was plenty for everyone to do, with shaved ice, face painting, and more. Kids had a blast playing catch with water balloons. This event was so much fun for everyone, we want to thank everyone who came out to visit us. Volunteers make it happen and we thank you all from our hearts. We hope to be back next year for more summer fun! See more photos below!

Courage, Strength, Hope

Kids Cures Foundation

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